Friday, March 2, 2012

Wonder - Pages 1-26

Ever hear stories about a genie in a magic lamp? This is what a magic lamp might look like.

Doogie Howser was a TV show in the 1980s and 1990s about a genius kid who becomes a doctor at age 16. What does it tell you about the doctor when Auggie was born if his parents kept calling him Doogie? (Um, Doogie's the one in the front.)

Most of us are familiar with Star Wars, and get ready for a ton of Star Wars references in the book. Auggie says that he and Christopher used to play with toy lightsabers, probably something like these. (I think I have a couple of these at home!)

Dragon Rider is a book by Cornelia Funke, who also wrote Inheart, Inkspell, and Inkdeath. Imagine reading this when you were six years old. That's kindergarten!

I wish I had some red Adidas shoes like Mr. Tushman.


Rubik's Cube was a popular toy in the 1980s, and no, I could never solve it on my own. Here's the original one plus one made with mirrors like Mr. Tushman has on his desk.

Mr. T. was a big time celebrity in the 1980s. He was on the original A-Team TV show. He was also a boxer in one of the Rocky movies, Rocky III. One of his famous catchphrases was, "I pity the fool who ..." followed by some sort of description. Something like, "I pity the fool who doesn't read books!"


Auggie says that Charlotte is wearing green Crocs, probably something like these. Is it important that Auggie has already mentioned other people's shoes twice three times? (I forgot about noticing Mrs. G's brown sandals with the purple flowers.) Does that tell us something about him?


So what is the difference between a tuba and a baritone? Is it worth getting in an argument while giving a school tour? Can you tell the difference? Can you tell which is which?


Continue to pages 27-50.


  1. This is AMAZING. If, at the end of reading, your class would like to get in touch with me or have questions answered, I would be delighted. Feel free to contact me via email: Thank you for bringing WONDER to your students. Hope they enjoy. -RJPalacio

    1. I loved Wonder. Such a beautiful story. I'd so reccomend it to my friends who haven't read it. The other 6th graders enjoyed it also. Le'Andra Gilbert

    2. Loved the book! Would reccomeend to friend. Amazing ending

    3. I have introduced and read the first 3 pages to my students this week. We are all hooked. Can't wait to find out what happens next.
      Thank you from new Zealand.

    4. This book is amazing,

    5. I loved this book too! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good (-:

    6. I love it so farπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

    7. do you have this in a pdf format? that way it doesnt print with all the website info etc.?

    8. Sorry, no PDF format. When I designed the site it was intended to be displayed in a classroom, and the blog format was the best solution I found.

    9. This book is amazing. I love the meaning to it! Best book i have EVER read.

    10. IspeakFluentSarcasm7/5/18, 2:49 PM

      My daughter is reading wonder and she is 5

    11. I put this into a Google Slide for anyone who uses that platform. I changed a few things, but it is essentially the same. Thank you, Mr. W for this wonderful resource! I am going to be reading Wonder with my fourth grade students after spring break. I will most likely make Google Slides of these as I go, and share them.

    12. I like this book so far

    13. Thank you, Artichoky!

    14. Okay Artichoky!

    15. i love books

    16. Thanks @Artichoky It'll be great help to deliver a lesson online!

    17. Nice job! IT WAS SO HELPFUL!

    18. so good

  2. Thank you so much, I began reading Wonder to my students about a week ago. Your blog has really helped my bilingual students get a visual representation of the many references that Auggie make in the book. They love the images and are amazed by the book; especially since we had been having some bulling issues. This book truly is a work of art. -B. Garcia

    1. So glad the site was able to add to the experience of reading Wonder. Thanks for taking the time to share.

    2. I am starting it today (in 2024!) with my EB students and am so excited to share it with them. This website is invaluable for helping them understand some of the context and vocabulary.

    3. This is awesome to know! Thank you for sharing.

  3. What a great resource! Thanks.. I teach 5th grade and all of these visual references will be so helpful for all my students. My school is trying One School, One Book this year using Wonder by RJ Palacio and I can't wait for my class to come in ready to discuss this very emotional, moving book in September. My own three children are even reading it now and they've used your site. Great Work!!!

  4. Again, I'm so glad the site is useful. Best of luck with One School, One Book. That's a fantastic idea, and a fantastic book to use.

  5. Wow! I'm starting it with my 5th graders and my school is reading it in 5th grade school wide. Thanks for your time and sharing. Shay Traywick - Thompson Intermediate

  6. This is great! We were able to get a class set of this book through Can't wait to read it with our 5th grade!

  7. I also got a set of this novel for my class through Donors Choose. We are just getting ready to start and i am SO glad you have shared this site! Thanks for all of the time you put into it. I teach students with Learning Disabilities and the pictures are a great resource!
    AND, I think it is SO cool that Ms. Palacio commented on your site. :)

  8. Ms. Palacio has been nothing but supportive about this whole project, sharing details on Twitter, answering questions, and tweeting links to the resources. She's awesome.

    I'm glad you are finding the resources beneficial to your students.


  9. Mr. Wilhorn, Thank you so much for sharing this information! We are using Wonder for a BIG READ at our junior high this year. Your ideas will be so helpful!

  10. "Thank You" for all your searching and collecting doesn't seem like enough! Our fifth graders will be starting this story after Spring Break... it will be an amazing experience!
    M. Rowland
    St. Michael's Episcopal Day School

  11. G.S. Lakie Middle School in Lethbridge, Alberta chose the book “Wonder” by R. Palacio for their “One Book, One School” project this year. Over the past two months there have been many magic moments when kids and teachers and parents connected with the book on many different levels. It wasn’t particularly easy to get all the teachers on board to read the book with their advisor classes, but being able to send them the link to your website was indeed a blessing. Teachers could read the book to students and access any and every reference in the book with incredible ease. Your references truly enriched the book. Teachers and students of G.S. Lakie would like to thank you for your big-hearted (and perhaps completely unknown by you) contribution to our “One School-One Book – Wonder” program. We appreciate your hard work and diligent in creating the website and posting it so we could enjoy it. You have gone a long ways to helping us pass on kindness. Thank you Mr. Wilhorn D. King-Hunter

  12. Wow. Thank you for sharing. Please share back with the teachers that I'm glad the Wonder resources were helpful. When I started posting these images and thoughts to share with my class during our read aloud, I had no idea they would become as widely used as they have.

    But I'm glad they have. Wonder is a book worth sharing, so I'm happy to share the resources.


  13. Dear Mr. W,

    Thank you so much for making this great resource! We have just read Wonder at the end of our grade 4 year. (We are also starting Grade 5 next year at a new school, and it was cool to read about August going through the same thing.) It was really useful to have all these pictures and videos to help us understand all the references we didn't know.


    Madame Jessica's class :)
    Westgate School
    Calgary, AB, Canada

  14. This is an amazing resource! Thank you for sharing!

    Alycia Beresford
    Rsm, CA

  15. My class is enjoying reading the book and your blog. Thank you for sharing.

  16. We began reading Wonder today in my 5th grade AIG class. To see my students eyes as I read the first 10 pages to them were unreal. I could see the wheels turning inside their heads. I can't wait to continue our read aloud tomorrow.

    1. We've already finished for this year. I'm jealous that you still have the whole book in front of you!

  17. Thank you for sharing this "wonder"ful resource! It will really enhance the students understanding of the text. The music is very rich also and the students are relly enjoying it. Thank you for being so professionally generous!

  18. Mr.T looks funny LOL

    1. Can you imagine him as your school's principal?

    2. that would be ...amazing

  19. I like crocks

  20. This site is amazing! I plan on using it this fall with my 5th graders as I read aloud this amazing book. Thank you for creating such a valuable resource!!

  21. I have talked about this book all last year and the impact it can make on a child. I had it on my teacher wishlist and a generous parent is donating 30 copies! We will begin reading next week. This website will be invaluable. Thank you for putting in the time. How amazing that RJ Palacio commented!

  22. Do you also have discussion questions to go with your fabulous resource?

  23. Nope, I have no additional questions. I meant for the resources themselves to spark discussion. The only additional questions are the ones students ask. :-)

  24. I agree with Auggie, star wars is awesome

  25. "I pity the fool" that doesn't use this website!

  26. love this website

  27. The tuba and baritone pictures are no longer available.

  28. They are still working for me. Try reloading the page, and I'll keep checking back to see if they disappear or not.

  29. My fourth grade class at Griggs Elementary in Mobile, AL has recently started reading Wonder and your blog has been SO helpful! This book references several things that my students are not quite old enough to understand. It's nice for them to be able to visualize what they are reading. Thank you so much for this tool!

    1. I'm glad it has been helpful. I'm still surprised that this resources I made for my class 4 years ago has been used by so many people!

  30. Grade 5 # 273/7/17, 5:56 PM

    This book is amazing, since i have so many activities the reference helps me a lot. I am halfway through the book, I will recommend this to my friends. So to conclude Wonder is a great book that has caught my interest.I thank the author and all the people who helped make this book!:)(:

  31. Grade 5 # 273/7/17, 5:57 PM

    Also thank you Mr. Wilhorn for making these references

  32. Thank you so much for this resource. Our class just received a class set and this is truly going to help me speak to their hearts!

  33. my brother was mr t for Halloween

    1. I pity the fool who don't give out good treats!

    2. What do you... mean?

    3. It's a Mr. T thing. See what is written above and apply it to trick-or-treating.

  34. I still have my rubix cube and lots of great casuals clothes that I buy online from a really great store
    80s casual classics

  35. Love the adidas trainers. remind me of the 80s casual classics which is making a comeback for sure!

  36. This is wonderful. Thank you so much. I am starting Wonder with my students in France this year. They have been reading it over the summer and we are starting work next week.

  37. i like the book because in one paragraph it said mr.tushman and ms.butt

    1. You're only on the first few pages. Just wait. There will be other reasons to like the book as you keep reading!

  38. I am about to teach it t Grade 6 for the second time in the past 3 years - such a great book and with lots of EAL children in the room, the site is a terrific help. Wonder should be compulsory reading for this age group in all schools. Awesome.

  39. Mr. W, like you, I LOVE children's books, and I love sharing them with kids. As a former principal in Ohio, I read Wonder with several 5th or 6th grade classes. Now as a 5th grade teacher in North Carolina, I'm excited to start sharing this powerful book with my students before they graduate to middle school in a few weeks. I have always said that if every elementary child in America would read Wonder, we would have a kinder middle school experience! Thank you for sharing this resource with us!

    Mr. McKey

  40. Replies
    1. That's awesome! Except they are not my books. R. J. Palacio wrote Wonder. I just made this site all about the book.

      But I'm still glad you love the books. So do I.

  41. can you add a link to a wonder pdf pleas

    1. Nope. Sorry. Even if I had a link, I couldn't publish it.

  42. this book is SOOOOO good i've seen the movie as well but i think the book is better!!!

  43. i am loving the book so far! it tells a really good story, l love it!

  44. This is one of my favorite books. I´ve read it a handful of times.

  45. I love the movie and the book, but to be honest the book is a lot better than the move by just a little.

  46. Auggie’s face isn’t actually so bad, I already watched the movie btw. And I feel touched <3

    1. Later in the book Via describes what Auggie looks like and it is different from the movie. I'm curious to know what you think of her description compared to what you see in the movie.

  47. this book is absolutely AMAZING!!!!!

  48. this is a very good book


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